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Parts of VV to be Closed Week of Feb. 27 for Power Upgrades

Staff report

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

The Electrical power serving the gymnasium, Americana Village and the north half of the “A” building at the Valle Verde Campus will be shut off on Saturday, February 27, 2021 starting at 6:00 a.m.

The power will be restored on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. This is the second phase of five, designed to replace the existing underground cable that feeds power to the main campus buildings. The existing underground cable is over 30 years old and in need of replacement. Existing electrical transformers will also be replaced.

Please refer to the drawing below for clarification. All buildings highlighted in orange will NOT have power during this time frame. The remaining phases will be scheduled at a later date and will only require some of the buildings to be without power.

Once competed, this project will provide the Valle Verde campus with a new power grid and will provide greater electrical reliability for the entire campus. These improvements will greatly reduce the chance of unplanned power outages.

This outage has been coordinated with VP Smith and Dean Rodarte (with input from the other Valle Verde Deans) as well as IT and PD.

We ask that all faculty and staff in the affected buildings to power down their computers on Friday, February 27 prior to leaving. In addition, since there will be no power in the buildings, PD will be locking all the buildings. Please do not attempt to enter the buildings during this period.

Thank you all for your cooperation. Any questions regarding this scheduled outage can be made at 915-443-7327.



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