The EPCC Police Department sent out a situational awareness alert at 9:17 a.m. to the Northwest and Transmountain campuses due to a disturbance at the Hospital of Providence Transmountain Campus Monday, Oct. 23; the situation has been resolved.
According to the EPCC Police Department, The Northwest and Transmountain campuses were on alert and the Early College High School was on lockdown for a few minutes until they were given the all clear.
The EPCC Police Department resolved the situational alert with a Tejano Alert email at 10:30 a.m. No classes were cancelled and operations are resuming as normal.
The disturbance was in relation to the Hospital of Providence Transmountain Campus.
The EPCC Police Department said, “The hospital was on lockdown referenced to a situation that was going on there.”
According to KTSM, the hospital was evacuated due to reports of an incident. El Paso Police checked the area and did not find any armed subject.
The hospital is continuing operations as normal.