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Staff report

Faculty Newsletter looking for Submissions

Share your fantastic academic news!

Newsworthy items include but are not limited to awards, recognitions, acknowledgments, appointments, publications, acceptances, completions, certifications, presentations, tenure, retirements, public speaking engagements, events, or news related to your students' projects.

Please type your news in a Word document as a single paragraph, double-spaced, with 250 words or less. You can also submit up to three photos. Please upload the high-resolution images in .png or .jpg format.

High-resolution pictures have a size closer to or larger than 1 megabyte. Include the name(s) and title(s), or brief description(s) of the images. When submitting group images or headshots of other individuals, please request their permission before sharing them in the newsletter.

To submit documents and images for the next faculty newsletter, please click on the OneDrive link below. If you need instructions on how to upload your information, click HERE.

Please note that the editor reserves the right to accept, edit, or reject any items submitted. See attached instructions on how to upload files. To answer any newsletter questions, Janine Rudnick can be contacted through her email ( or Teams Chat.

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